
Species of black Learn more about Species of black

  • Is it against the law to beat turtledoves?

    Is it against the law to beat turtledoves?

    Is it against the law to beat turtledoves?

  • Recommend several species of meat snakes

    Recommend several species of meat snakes

    Do you know how many kinds of snakes there are in our country? According to statistics, there are 173 species of snakes in China, of which 48 species are poisonous snakes and the rest are non-poisonous snakes. Meat snake refers to the large body, fast growth, is a common edible or medicinal non-venomous snake. In order to make snake farmers familiar with and understand their performance of life and production, here are several species of meat snakes with large size, rapid growth, good development, more eggs (or offspring), fresh meat and good breeding efficiency. The black brow snake is commonly known as the home snake, the yellow worm, the cauliflower snake, the three-cable line, the wide snake and so on. The length of adult snake is about 1.

  • What are the second-class protected animals in the country?

    What are the second-class protected animals in the country?

    What are the second-class protected animals in the country?

  • Identification of seven species of closed-shell turtles

    Identification of seven species of closed-shell turtles

    At present, the breeding of closed-shell turtles is one of the hot spots in turtle breeding. There are seven species of closed-shell turtles, except Anbu closed-shell turtle is a common species, the other six species are difficult to see their appearance. In order to enable farmers to select species correctly, the identification methods of seven species of closed-shell turtles are introduced as follows: 1. The difference between closed-shell turtles and other turtle species closed-shell turtles are specialized groups of turtles. The middle part of their abdominal nail is connected by ligaments, which is like a hinge and can move. after death, the ligament is broken and the abdominal nail becomes two segments, so the closed-shell turtle is called broken plate tortoise.

  • Fine varieties of tea

    Fine varieties of tea

    Breeding and popularizing fine tea varieties is a fundamental measure to improve the quality and yield of tea and increase the economic benefits of growing tea. From a large number of production practice and scientific research results, it is proved that the selection of excellent tea varieties plays a role in tea production in many aspects: first, it can increase the yield. Tea yield is determined by comprehensive factors such as the number and weight of buds and leaves per unit area, the growth rate of buds and leaves in the annual growth period, the length of vegetative growth period and so on. Under the same conditions, different varieties have different yield factors, so the yield is different.

  • Present situation and development prospect of black fish culture

    Present situation and development prospect of black fish culture

    People are used to calling them mullet, black fish, talent fish, raw fish and so on. Black fish is the most widely distributed and most productive species in the family Carpinidae. With the increase of market demand, blackfish is likely to become one of the most promising breeding objects in China at the beginning of the 21st century. There are 7 species of snakehead fishes in China. They are black fish, snakehead snakehead, snakehead snakehead, striped snakehead snakehead, snakehead snakehead and long snakehead snakehead. Among them, only black fish is a widespread species, which is distributed in all major river systems in China, and its yield is the largest. Snakehead snakehead, snakehead snakehead and snakehead snakehead are only distributed in China.

  • Tea variety regionalization

    Tea variety regionalization

    The research work on the distribution of tea varieties in different regions and how to divide the suitable planting areas. Tea areas in China are widely distributed, ranging from 18 °to 38 °N and 94 °to 122 °E. The vertical distribution ranges from the highest to the mountains at 2600m above sea level and the lowest to the low hills only a few meters above sea level. The genetic characteristics of tea varieties and the latitude zonality of the region make the tea and quality style appear certain zonality. In the southern tropics or subtropics, it is suitable for the growth and production of tree-type large-leaf tea varieties.

  • What are the common fish species? What are the characteristics of each species?

    What are the common fish species? What are the characteristics of each species?

    Sea bream appetite offshore bottom fish, mainly distributed in China's Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea and other sea areas, sea bream with its red and very beautiful, tender meat and delicious taste, ranking the top of marine fish. And the Japanese have an unusual fondness for snapper, almost a festival.

    2020-11-27 common of snapper species which each between all have
  • What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

  • Selection method of stone money tortoise

    Selection method of stone money tortoise

    Selection method of stone money tortoise

  • How much is a black-necked turtle seedling of an endangered species? What are the breeding methods?

    How much is a black-necked turtle seedling of an endangered species? What are the breeding methods?

    Modern people like to keep some animals as companions, such as cats, dogs, fish, turtles and so on, among which turtles have the longest life span. Today to introduce the black-necked turtle, about its seedling price is how much one and breeding methods and so on. First, the base of the black-necked turtle

    2020-11-11 Endangered species black neck turtle seedlings price more less money one
  • Does the fish in the water have a heart? Can its heart be eaten? The species and names of the most complete fish are attached

    Does the fish in the water have a heart? Can its heart be eaten? The species and names of the most complete fish are attached

    Fish is a common animal in my life. Fish is rich in protein and can give people nutrition. Half of the fish we bought were meat, fish head, fish eyes and fish gills, but no fish had a heart. So does fish have a heart? Its heart.

    2020-11-11 In the water noodles fish have heart Mo its can eat attach
  • How to cultivate the seedlings of herring in pond

    How to cultivate the seedlings of herring in pond

    Herring is a kind of green fish, which is mainly distributed in the plain area south of the Yangtze River and rare to the north of the Yangtze River. it is an important fishery resource and the main culture object in lakes and ponds in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and along the Yangtze River. for freshwater culture in China

    2020-11-08 Herring pond fry how to cultivate herring yes a kind of color
  • The species of wild geese and their pictures

    The species of wild geese and their pictures

    The species of wild geese and their pictures

  • A collection of pictures of toad species

    A collection of pictures of toad species

    A collection of pictures of toad species

  • The selection of black dolphin species

    The selection of black dolphin species

    The selection of black dolphin species

  • What are the species of bees suitable for breeding in our country? Notes for novice beekeeping!

    What are the species of bees suitable for breeding in our country? Notes for novice beekeeping!

    When it comes to bees, many people think of hard work, but in fact, the greatest role of bees is to produce honey. Rural areas rely on mountains and water, and the natural environment is very suitable for the development of beekeeping industry, and many areas also raise bees. Succeed in getting rich.

    2020-11-27 Suitable for our country breeding bees species which novice
  • What are the species of tiger wasps?

    What are the species of tiger wasps?

    Tiger-headed wasp is so named because it has the same lines as tiger spots, and its temperament is also very ferocious, like a tiger. Tiger-headed wasps are the medium to control diseases and insect pests in nature, because their food is a variety of insects. Tiger head wasps are mainly distributed in China.

    2020-11-11 Tiger head bee species species which tiger head bee the reason called this
  • What are the common species of clown fish? Introduction to the characteristics and bait of clown fish

    What are the common species of clown fish? Introduction to the characteristics and bait of clown fish

    Clown fish is a common name for the fishes of the subfamily Sparidae, and it is also a very popular ornamental fish at present. It is mild-tempered and can be mixed with other species of marine fish. Clownfish are omnivorous fish, and the food they need is very simple.

    2020-11-27 Clowns fish all have which common species characteristics bait
  • Taoyuan good tea black tea evaluation competition awards, come to the tea village to taste Taoyuan good tea

    Taoyuan good tea black tea evaluation competition awards, come to the tea village to taste Taoyuan good tea

    Zheng Wencan, mayor of Taoyuan, went to Longtan District Suiyuan Tea Space yesterday (12) morning to attend the award ceremony of the fifth Taoyuan good Tea quality Black Tea Evaluation Competition.
